Alchemy 101: Above, Below, and the One Thing

To learn alchemy, the practitioner must first understand its principles. To do so, we must look at the content of the ancient texts that served as the foundation for alchemy. One such text being the Emerald Tablet, which was said to hold the entirety of the philosophy and practice of alchemy. With this we can understand the foundation of the system of reasoning that the alchemists had.

In the Theatrum Chemicum translation of the Emerald Tablet, the second line states, “Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.” Although it’s short, within this excerpt is the entirety of alchemical philosophy:

To start, the heavens, as referred to by numerous religions, is the above: it was the sky and the swath of stars overhead; it contained the sun, the moon, and the planets. The above is the realm of God / the gods, and it is also the internal expression of the soul, residing in each of us.

On the other hand, the below is the earth—the mortal world.

The above and the below correspond; they are in union with each other. However, while the two are perceived as two separate aspects, they are, in fact, one.

Together, the above and the below accomplish the “one thing”. Alchemists believed that all things were created from one thing by one thing. This “one thing” is what was known by alchemists as the Prima Materia, the first matter, in which there was one, unchangeable reality behind the ever-changing material world. It is regarded as the source of everything, and alchemists, in their studies, were constantly searching for this Prima Materia.

In addition, the “one thing” was believed to simultaneously express itself as three things (a trinity). Similar to other practices, alchemy has its own trinity, its own set of three principles:

Alchemy 101: What is Alchemy?

Alchemy is a practice that has its origins in Egypt, as evidenced from the word in itself. The Arabic prefix Al, meaning ‘the’, combined with the word khemia, derived from khem, the name for the land of Egypt, gives us the translation of the term ‘alchemy’: “The art of Egypt”.

From Egypt, alchemy was a gift from the Kemetic god Thoth (’Djehuty’), who thus is seen as its founder. Thoth brought to man sciences and mathematics; he presided over scribes and knowledge.

As the Hellenics, or Greeks, traveled into Egypt, they associated many of the Kemetic deities with their own. For example, the Hellenic god Hermes became synonymous with Thoth. Through this relation between Thoth and Hermes, Hermes was also perceived as the founder of alchemy. Thus, alchemy is commonly referred to as the Hermetic art, or the arts of Hermes. Additionally, he is also referred to as Hermes Trismegistus, ‘Thrice-great Hermes’.

From Egypt, the practice of alchemy gradually spread north until finally reaching the European countries. Alchemy also had a presence in eastern countries, taking on a similar, but different, form there.

Furthermore, alchemy is a two-sided subject; it is a practice that is both spiritual and physical. It encompassed astrology, mysticism, spiritualism, and physics.

Throughout history there have been three main goals of an alchemist:

I. To transmute ordinary metals into gold.

II. To make the soul progress from its ordinary state to one of spiritual perfection.

III. To create a substance known as the Philosopher’s Stone, using raw materials and the assistance of the divine.

Alchemy was composed of both of science and spiritual principle; if an alchemist could transmute, or “purify”, base metals into gold, then, they believed, they could achieve spiritual purity.

Purification Ritual for Sutekh

Cleansing of the House and Space:

Open the windows of your home, dust, and vacuum. Cleanse the house in ways such as:

»Sprinkling salt

»Burning incense

»Burning a bundle of herbs

Cleanse the altar or shrine space as well. Dust it and reorganize it if need be; Sutekh is all about change. Burn a candle or some incense and state, “Hail to Thee, Sutekh, Lord of the Red Land. My home is pure, my space is pure.”

Physical Purification:

Brush teeth, wash face, and shower. Pour cool water into a clean bowl and state, “Hail to Thee, Sutekh, the beautiful child of Ra, may You protect me in my wanderings. I offer You this water, may it please You.”

Bring forward a bowl, jar, or vial of natron and present it, stating over it, “Hail to Thee, Sutekh, He who supports the sky for all the gods, may You cleanse me from all that is impure. I offer You this natron, may it please You.”

Take a pinch of the natron and mix it into the bowl of cool water. Dip your hands into the mixture and rub them together, while stating, “Hail to Thee, Sutekh, for I am now cleansed from all that is impure.”

Mental Purification:

Sit outside or in front of your altar or shrine, however ensure that you won’t be disturbed for at least twenty minutes. Close your eyes and count your breaths. Begin with grounding; bring up energy from the earth and release any excess energy back into the ground. Meditate however you see fit and then end the ritual with grounding once more.


»Natron can be substituted with baking soda or Dead Sea salt.

»Incense can be substituted with an oil burner.

»Cleansing the house and altar space are not limited to what was mentioned (e.g., you can use air fresheners or a crystal).

»This ritual is simply a skeleton or guide to what you can do. Feel free to modify this in any way and make it your own (including the dialogue portions).

Active Offerings for Sutekh

Aside from the regular food and/or beverages that you may give during a ritual or prayer, offerings can also take the form of actions within your daily life. In regards to Sutekh, the following (but not limited to) can be done in honor of Him:

» Maintain Good Hygiene — One of the lessons that Sutekh often teaches is that change is crucial. Break out of those old, unhealthy habits and strive to maintain a hygienic lifestyle. Remember to brush your teeth, shower daily, wash your hands, and allow yourself time to rest. This allows you to get rid of what’s unnecessary in your life and to bring in what you need.

» Exercise — Returning to the idea of change, working to improve your physical shape is a healthy way to dedicate time and energy to Sutekh. Go outside and jog a few blocks, all in the name of Sutekh!

» Participate in a Political March/Event — Sutekh is the Lord of Chaos, and going out and directing your energy towards advocating for an issue is a great way to represent chaos. This does not mean, however, to go into rallies and commit illegal acts (e.g., vandalism and violence). Remember that Sutekh isn’t absolute chaos; Sutekh is also a protector - he safeguarded Ra on his solar barque. Stand up for what you believe, however do so with a ‘Big Stick’ ideology (”speak softly and carry a big stick”). You aren’t turning a blind eye by not throwing stones and smashing car hoods, you’re showing the masses that you’re serious and to be respected.

» Research — Learn as much as you can about Sutekh, your path, and more. By continuing to learn about your path and expanding your knowledge past it, you’re preventing stagnation in your life. In my experience, Sutekh wants you to be actively progressing and moving forward in your life. By learning more about your path or him, you’re doing just that: actively progressing.

» Affection and Sensuality — Sutekh is a rather sexual god and is known for phallic imagery/jokes. This aspect of Him can be honored with masturbation or showing your affection for those around you. Give your friend a hug, kiss your significant other, or have some fun in bed.

Disclaimer: This is entirely UPG (some based on my personal experiences and some based on others) and should be used only as a guide.

Hymn: Voice of Thunder

Hail to Thee, Sutekh,
The skies shudder in Thy glory,
And the winds whistle songs of Thy triumph.
Thy power is truly radiant.

Hail to Thee, Sutekh,
The clouds part in way of Thy shrine,
And the rain falls with Thy enemies.
Thy presence is formidable.

Hail to Thee, Sutekh,
Before whom the sky trembles,
Lord of the northern sky,
Thy voice is thunder in this land.

Hymn: Protector of Ra

Hail to Thee, Sutekh,
He with great power
In the barque of millions,
Spearing the serpent’s throat,
For you are he who grips with full malice.

As you fell the enemies at the bow,
And overthrow the Serpent of Rebirth,
May I find the strength within my voice
To arise as a protector
And overcome those who seek to inflict harm.